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Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:44 am
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Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:44 am
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Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:57 pm
dallarax19 wrote:Hey all,
Been a while since I last posted. Lots going on with the car with just about everything mechanical is rebuilt or replaced. Anyway I am back to the engine and would like some clarification on some points. I want confirmation that I am reading the main bearing torque speck correctly and would like feedback. This is the way I read the spec:
1) Torque to 30Nm
2) Complete torque by setting a dial torque angle gauge to 75deg and turn to zero (so this means to me rotate the nut another 285 deg)
Is this correct? I would appreciate the feedback.
Club Member
Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:57 pm
johnb wrote:dallarax19 wrote:Hey all,
Been a while since I last posted. Lots going on with the car with just about everything mechanical is rebuilt or replaced. Anyway I am back to the engine and would like some clarification on some points. I want confirmation that I am reading the main bearing torque speck correctly and would like feedback. This is the way I read the spec:
1) Torque to 30Nm
2) Complete torque by setting a dial torque angle gauge to 75deg and turn to zero (so this means to me rotate the nut another 285 deg)
Is this correct? I would appreciate the feedback.
I'd agree that the MDR could be open to interpretation.
I have another manual (Revue Technique Automobile) which has this photo. I've enlarged it because it's not a very good photocopy. I would read this to mean, tighten to 3 mdaN followed by a further angular tightening of 75 degrees.
If anyone thinks this is an incorrect interpretation, please advise.
Club Member
Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:57 pm
dallarax19 wrote:One other question, when do you put the block on an engine stand? It is clear when the lower block plate (girdle) is attached there are 4 attachment holes for the engine stand lugs but to get it to that point much of the heavy torquing and handling has been done. For where I am now I am just verifying the bearing clearance but it still requires the mains to be torqued down however there are only two attachment points on the back of the block (no lower block plate holes). What does everyone do to secure these animals for assembly during the piston and mains installation?
Thanks again,
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Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:44 am
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Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:57 pm
dallarax19 wrote:
At the moment I am rolling the lump around on a towel on my table doing as you described. My bits are also painted aluminum color so your photos and my table top look very much alike. I will have to get over my concern of flipping it around with the floating liners held in by a light strap of metal but I suppose that is how it is done and has always been done.
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Fri May 28, 2004 11:58 am
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Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:44 am
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Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:57 pm
dallarax19 wrote:OK on to next steps, is it possible to attach the engine to the gearbox and install it as a power pack into the car? If possible, is it easy or is it better to put the gear box in first and then install the engine? What is the standard practice to reinstall the engine/gearbox? I am not too excited about trying to wrestle the engine onto the end of the trans.
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Tue Oct 30, 2012 1:44 am
Club Member
Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:57 pm
dallarax19 wrote: I also saw the cross member wrapped in cardboard (I think that may have been one of your pics).
dallarax19 wrote: My concern is even though the sides of the gearbox are secured the bell housing end is free to float up/down and side to side, with the lift jack under it, making the alignment of the input shaft a bit of a chore. Hopefully I am wrong with how much it moves and it will just slide into place. I am running out of warm weather so that may really take place in the spring, we will see. In the mean time I will continue to do my homework.
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Thu Apr 29, 2004 1:03 pm
Horley - Nr Gatwick
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Wed Sep 13, 2006 6:57 pm
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Thu Apr 15, 2004 12:33 pm
Fleet, Hampshire
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