GTA turbo door hinges repair

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GTA turbo door hinges repair

Postby robbb » Sun May 24, 2015 8:17 pm

I 'm new on this site and I hope someone can help me further on to get more information about my subject.
I 'm a member of the Dutch Renault Alpine Club and no one in my club has the same problem before, I think in the next coming years more owners of the GTA model will have the same problem. I found some information about the door hinges repair on the body side of the car on this forum. I 've got an answer on my email for information from lee.crowston. For futher information he advised me to contact this forum, because his friend has done such repair and maybe he can help me with some more information, If he can show some drawings of the repair too me and will tell me how he fixed the repair with a piece of a box spanner to connect the new iron part for the door hinges on the body of the car without welding, I will be very gratefull. It seems a difficult repair too me, because the is n't much space between the door and the body of the car.
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Re: GTA turbo door hinges repair

Postby andyh877 » Sun May 24, 2015 8:55 pm

get on ferry hook van Holland to Hawich and drive to RATS..... he will fix it for you.... he has the experience to deal with all rusty Alpines
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Re: GTA turbo door hinges repair

Postby turbell » Mon May 25, 2015 6:54 am

Hello Robb,
Which door hinge repair are you referring to, the A post or the hinge in the door itself?
The A post repair is on page one of my thread,
I did a word doc with all the sizes of all the plate and box section, but didn't transfer it on to my new laptop and it is not on my cloud so assume I have lost it. I also made a template but threw that away as well, sorry !
Briefly, if you follow my cuts to reveal the inner steel box section you can copy what remains, the only difficult part is the rolltube that extends down the door either cut it and join it on to a piece of tube pre-welded in your new door post ( this is where the box spanner bit comes into it, that was purely because it was the right dimension ) or try and cut round it and weld into the new section....but you will have to make your cuts in the GRP much lower into the sill, so you can get the new section behind the roll tube.
The door hinge also cracks in the door itself and this repair is later on in my thread 9 I think.
If you don't understand anything post or pm me and I'll explain further, your English is far better then my Dutch !
You could bring it over for Lee at RATS to repair, it may be more cost effective than you'd think, and you would know it was right.
Good Luck, Ryan!
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Re: GTA turbo door hinges repair

Postby robbb » Mon May 25, 2015 3:16 pm

Thanks a lot for the quick reply,
The problem is on the A--side (body car side, when you sit in the car on the right side).
It 's very pitty that some detail information you had, is lost on your computer. I 'll start the repair and use the information on this forum about this subject. It's no option for me to transport the car to England. Thanks for you offer/advice.
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Re: GTA turbo door hinges repair

Postby clee » Mon May 25, 2015 3:42 pm

More info here,incl some drawings ....Did you ever get those beers Ryan lad ???
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Re: GTA turbo door hinges repair

Postby turbell » Mon May 25, 2015 4:03 pm

The word doc wasn't a complete plan just a basic how to as it was easier than trying to explain in an email, as I wasn't on this forum then and the template was just folded card to help with the hole positions, but I was looking for the invoice for the steel and found a bit of paper with some dimensions on, I think it was my shopping list for the steel needed, and a few notes on what to construct, they are as follows, all measurements are MM
Box section as follows.........

80x40 box section approx. 500 ( it isn't 500 but this was to allow for mistakes etc )
with a right angle cut across the width 40 up
2x m8 welded nuts 22 from the bottom @ 20 and 60 centres

Now the hinge plates.
Bottom 60x40x6

Top 60x40x6

Middle door strap
65x36x3 and 62x21x6 ( this is the two plates at right angles that the check strap bolts to )

This isn't a complete list of dimensions, you have to consider where the plates go and where to drill the holes but as a shopping list for the steel that's what you need.
It takes time and patience so measure, measure and measure again.
The hole centres you can be a mm or two off, but the face that will bolt on to the door hinges.....well too far towards the b post and you can't shut the door, too far away and you have to make more shims up if you can get away with it.
Be as careful as you can removing the outer GRP as it will make the job of re-attaching it so much easier.
I've said it before and I'll say it a thousand times there is nothing complex about the construction of these cars, you've just got to be prepared to get stuck in and chop out what's in your way and consider a method to get it back on, it won't be quick but it's all possible.
Good Luck, don't struggle, shout if you want help, don't give up, Ryan
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Re: GTA turbo door hinges repair

Postby turbell » Mon May 25, 2015 4:06 pm

Lee,I was just tippy tapping and you posted before me !
Beers ?.....Beers ? .....fair parched I am ....parched I say.......... :Butt
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Re: GTA turbo door hinges repair

Postby robbb » Sun May 31, 2015 7:21 pm

Clee and Ryan,
Marvelous that you send me more information. It looks very complete now.
I ´ll remember your offer to contact you if there are unforseen troubles.
Thanks a lot.

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