by stephendell » Sun May 23, 2010 4:34 pm
so you have to spend around £250 to save £25
Yes 10% so not bad in the current climate and 100% more than anyone else is offering
And that's only an extra 10%...
15% if you count the two T-Shirts...
20% if you count the free Prescott Saturday ticket
30% if you count the free Crystal Palace tickets
Will see if I can think of anything else
Go on bring the Spider, you were considering a double entry at Prescott anyway and it's on the way home!
In fact if you only spectate at Crystal Palace it's nearly a 35% saving
Trafic, Twingo GT, Vel Satis Turbo x 2, Clio V6 Proto Ph2, Vel Satis 3.5, Avantime, Alpine A610, GTA Atmo x 3, GTA Turbo x 3, R5 Gordini Turbo Mid Engine, Alpine A310 4cyl, Alpine A110, Yellow Smart