Checklist when buying a GTA Turbo

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Checklist when buying a GTA Turbo

Postby adrian » Thu Feb 03, 2005 7:56 am

I'm completely new to these cars, so what are the most common faults and how can find them? I'm going to see a couple of cars at the weekend (or more if anyone here has one for sale) so I'd appreciate any tips on what to expect.

Also, how strong are these engines? What's a typical lifetime for a well-maintained GTA? How much would a replacement clutch (parts and labour) be, for example? What about a gearbox? Are there any bits that are a real pain to replace, either in terms of labour or getting hold of the parts?


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David Gentleman


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Postby David Gentleman » Thu Feb 03, 2005 10:36 am

Common faults....(but only through typical age of the marque..)

Non operational speedos
Rear bushes
Rusty rear subframe
Sticking rear calipers
Dropped doors
Non working door solenoids
Cracked / delaminated headlamp glasses
Bubbling in paint
Driveshafts clunking on take up of drive
Fuel leaks on older cars
General Renault electrics....
Broken bits of interior trim which are hard to source

Mechanically wise, engine and box is very strong. Boxes are hard to source and wont be picked up for any less than £300, and would be a normal UN1 box and need modifying to fit the GTA anyway. Only thing that really causes a problem on any turbo vehicle is headgaskets, and about one to 2 grand for that to be done (engine out job), Clutches fitted is usually £400-500 (engine out job), driveshafts £250 each. Rusty subframe to be sorted is engine out, and engine and box off job, so most people get it done whilst having other major work done.

The problem with quoting for any job on a GTA, because the cars are getting on now, is whist doing a job, you can find many other things that need doing that you never realised, so costs can escalate.

Find a car with a good service history, and recent evidence of clutch/transmission work.

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