
Competion events, results and regulations.

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miles thomas


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Postby miles thomas » Sat Apr 18, 2015 8:40 pm

Well i have a license,done some work on the car and entered some events. What could go wrong :up I know i have watched the M.S.A vid and now filled with confidence im sort of ready.
But is there anything i need on the day? Other than the car and my self. Any tips on getting the most out of the day,basically the suff that you wish someone had told you. I will let you know how it all goes and stick some photos up here if i can work out a way to take them and drive at the same time.
Spider,Clio Tce,C4 Cactus, 1967 DS.
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Re: Twingo...gogogo

Postby baldrick » Sat Apr 18, 2015 10:15 pm

good luck mate.

and have a great time :)
2006 SUZUKI SV1000
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Re: Twingo...gogogo

Postby eastlmark » Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:02 am

take a waterproof box of some sort with a fixed lid or a pop up tent if you can peg it down to put the crap and tools from your car in while doing your run, Assume you have numbers? Take spares if you are applying them at the event, its not so easy in driving gales and rain. Have a decent tyre pressure gauge and set your tyres after your first practice run.
most importantly, make sure there is a stiff drink waiting for you at home as you will need consoling after being thrashed by an OAP in a rusty Fiesta.
When/ where is first event?
never thought I would want a list but now find myself needing one just to remind me: Clio V6 230, 5 gt turbo, 5 Gordini turbo, Megane RS 300 Trophy.
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Re: Twingo...gogogo

Postby gchristofi » Sun Apr 19, 2015 8:16 am

If you have an iPhone, and no recording equipment as yet, look up the Trackaddict app. Was around £5 giving you video, sound, gps timing, and even telematics and track layouts. Would have cost 100s of not 1000s for all this a few years ago. You'll obviously need a solid mount and power for the phone too. No better way to learn from each day than watching events over and over whilst enjoying that stiff drink!
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Re: Twingo...gogogo

Postby simontaylor » Sun Apr 19, 2015 10:57 am

Entry List

Miles, it is just like Prescott, everyone is there for a good time and to help you.
There will be space in my little tent for any of your gogogo spares, unless you are bringing the kitchen sink.
1986 : '86 GTA v6 BW-EFR turbo, with Adaptronic ECU
Firsts at
2007 : Gurston Down & RAOC Champion
2008 : Rushmoor & Eelmoor & ACSMC Hillclimb class Champion
2009 : Longcross & Eelmoor
2010 : Crystal Palace & Eelmoor
2016 : Rushmoor & 5th O/A
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miles thomas


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Re: Twingo...gogogo

Postby miles thomas » Sun Apr 19, 2015 10:58 am

Hi Mark I new I could depend on you for some good practical advice. First event will be at the Dimanche Sprint Rushmoor. This is all Simon Taylor idea. It looks like a good entry list with 3 R8 Gs and 4 A110 with some friendly faces,nice to know a few people and not be Billy no mates :)
Spider,Clio Tce,C4 Cactus, 1967 DS.
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Re: Twingo...gogogo

Postby simontaylor » Sun Apr 19, 2015 11:22 am

There are still places left for all you drivers with "fastest Renaults in the world" to try and keep up with go-go-go-cars.

Entry Pages Here :

You are welcome to come along and spectate, I have organised free entry for you all. Full access to all paddock areas too.
The venue is a natural bowl, so like Brands and Lydden, there is a lot to see.
Hot food available on site as well as loos too.
A very friendly bunch of racers. This is clubman racing, so there is no big boy big money snobbery. It is all about getting out there.

Practice starts at 9am, 2 practice runs and up to 4 competitive runs.....followed by prize giving.

See you there, come over say Hi, bring cameras, there is sometimes a fire breathing Caterham V8 squirming about.
1986 : '86 GTA v6 BW-EFR turbo, with Adaptronic ECU
Firsts at
2007 : Gurston Down & RAOC Champion
2008 : Rushmoor & Eelmoor & ACSMC Hillclimb class Champion
2009 : Longcross & Eelmoor
2010 : Crystal Palace & Eelmoor
2016 : Rushmoor & 5th O/A
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Re: Twingo...gogogo

Postby si21 » Sat Apr 25, 2015 1:53 am

Good luck miles ....This venue I know reasonably well take the first run nice and easy if wet this circuit can be very slippery and ther are some very tight turns and curbs kerbs ...big concrete things marking the edge ot the black stuff and you dont want to hit them!!! as you gain confidence in the grip available you can start to push for for a quicker time. Keep an eye out on the car numbers q'ing up to run ...provided there are no offs /recoveries things can move faster than you think with 2 cars on track at a time (just on this track) . Get there with plenty of time you'll need to make sure the car is empty numbers on with timing strut properly fixed and have gloves helmet and suit on pssenger seat folded with spec label showing for the scrutineer ;-) Make sure the battery terminals are covered ...if they are not Tank/duck tape will suffice. The Earth lead needs to marked with green and yellow striped tape and the ignition key marked with an arrow indicating the direction to turn the ignition off.

Oh its not a race when the light goes green no prizes for reaction just compose yourself and go when your ready within reason lol when you got the revs high enough drop the clutch and live the dream better adrenalin rush for me and then have loads of fun. Initially dont worry about othet peoples times just your own; there are guys out there who have been doing this for years and know the tracks like the back of their own hand!! Just try and improve your own time theres lots to learn ;-). Main thing is have fun and even if there were no other Renault Freaks at a sprint as ST says everyone is a friendly and will chat to you whether tgey are driving a single seater or an MG Roadster.

One important thing dont forget your L plates ...have Fun and Good Luck

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miles thomas


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Re: Twingo...gogogo

Postby miles thomas » Sat Apr 25, 2015 3:52 pm

Thanks Simon that's a good tip about putting the stuff out ready for inspection :up
Spider,Clio Tce,C4 Cactus, 1967 DS.
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Re: Twingo...gogogo

Postby simontaylor » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:31 am

And for the "tent", if any one else is thinking expense........dream on
It's only to keep the worst of the rain off.
1986 : '86 GTA v6 BW-EFR turbo, with Adaptronic ECU
Firsts at
2007 : Gurston Down & RAOC Champion
2008 : Rushmoor & Eelmoor & ACSMC Hillclimb class Champion
2009 : Longcross & Eelmoor
2010 : Crystal Palace & Eelmoor
2016 : Rushmoor & 5th O/A
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Re: Twingo...gogogo

Postby simontaylor » Wed Apr 29, 2015 8:37 am

si21 wrote:Good luck miles ....This venue I know reasonably well take the first run nice and easy if wet this circuit can be very slippery and ther are some very tight turns and curbs kerbs ...big concrete things marking the edge ot the black stuff and you dont want to hit them!!! as you gain confidence in the grip available you can start to push for for a quicker time. Keep an eye out on the car numbers q'ing up to run ...provided there are no offs /recoveries things can move faster than you think with 2 cars on track at a time (just on this track) . Get there with plenty of time you'll need to make sure the car is empty numbers on with timing strut properly fixed and have gloves helmet and suit on pssenger seat folded with spec label showing for the scrutineer ;-) Make sure the battery terminals are covered ...if they are not Tank/duck tape will suffice. The Earth lead needs to marked with green and yellow striped tape and the ignition key marked with an arrow indicating the direction to turn the ignition off.

Oh its not a race when the light goes green no prizes for reaction just compose yourself and go when your ready within reason lol when you got the revs high enough drop the clutch and live the dream better adrenalin rush for me and then have loads of fun. Initially dont worry about othet peoples times just your own; there are guys out there who have been doing this for years and know the tracks like the back of their own hand!! Just try and improve your own time theres lots to learn ;-). Main thing is have fun and even if there were no other Renault Freaks at a sprint as ST says everyone is a friendly and will chat to you whether tgey are driving a single seater or an MG Roadster.

One important thing dont forget your L plates ...have Fun and Good Luck


Its YELLOW only for the battery earth.
Make sure the battery is secure, that means a tight strap or fixing over it. They will give it a 'good wobble' with a hand on top, no movement is best, but don't be too anal over it.

Forecast looks good.........anyway, like me you have a roof so it never matters and I guessing you have ABS so that makes the wet tarmac easy for you too.

Don't forget your MSA licence and Club card and paperwork. Make sure they are all in date too.

I will be there for 7-30am on Sunday.
1986 : '86 GTA v6 BW-EFR turbo, with Adaptronic ECU
Firsts at
2007 : Gurston Down & RAOC Champion
2008 : Rushmoor & Eelmoor & ACSMC Hillclimb class Champion
2009 : Longcross & Eelmoor
2010 : Crystal Palace & Eelmoor
2016 : Rushmoor & 5th O/A
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Re: Twingo...gogogo

Postby simontaylor » Mon May 04, 2015 6:23 pm

After a massive down pour at 8 am, by 9 am when practise started the rain had stopped.
Miles had 11 drivers in his class, some of which were very seasoned drivers.
I will let Miles explain why he turned up with last years insurance certificate, however, as this is club Motorsport it was not a show stopper or expensive fine.
After 2 practice runs, the Tarmac surface was dry, apart from one corner under the trees.
Miles car was well prepared and he got 4 timed runs in.
Every run was faster than the last.
That is the way to do it with out over cooking it.
A very credible 5th in class with 64.79 seconds.
Beaten by a Pug 106 GTI by only 0.3 seconds and if Miles had been 1 second quicker, he would have taken 3rd in class and collected a trophy.
Miles, you did yourself and the club credit.
Well done mate I hope you enjoyed it, you seemed to be smiling enough.
1986 : '86 GTA v6 BW-EFR turbo, with Adaptronic ECU
Firsts at
2007 : Gurston Down & RAOC Champion
2008 : Rushmoor & Eelmoor & ACSMC Hillclimb class Champion
2009 : Longcross & Eelmoor
2010 : Crystal Palace & Eelmoor
2016 : Rushmoor & 5th O/A
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Re: Twingo...gogogo

Postby eastlmark » Mon May 04, 2015 6:40 pm

Well Done Miles, look forward to reading your detailed report on the day.
never thought I would want a list but now find myself needing one just to remind me: Clio V6 230, 5 gt turbo, 5 Gordini turbo, Megane RS 300 Trophy.
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miles thomas


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Re: Twingo...gogogo

Postby miles thomas » Mon May 04, 2015 7:22 pm

Yes,Yes OK give me a min some of us have been to work today. Just trying to sort the photos. ;)
Spider,Clio Tce,C4 Cactus, 1967 DS.
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Re: Twingo...gogogo

Postby si21 » Mon May 04, 2015 7:49 pm

Well done Miles great first outing ;-)

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