Hi Stephen,

I did

I'm sorry about that above post just reading "1". I had left a friendly, & lengthy introduction but noted that when I use Tapatalk through my android tablet & go back onto a previous post, for some reason it edits it to "1", it looks like Miles Thomas managed to read my original post before it fell into a black hole.
But yes, we did a deal on the car a few weeks back & happy to say it was delivered to me on Monday. There are a few small issues with it & as you touched on a rumbling, knocking driveshaft on the NS from what I can detect.
The car does twofold for me, satisfies a hole in my heart from a regrettable sale of my old 5GTT that I was always sad about, & gives me a nostalgia lift. I remember being on a 3 week school French exchange trip many years back, the family I was staying with sent me down to a farm one Saturday morning with an empty bucket for wine; outside was this incredible looking red GTA, (was the first I'd ever seen), like the first 1955 scene from Back to the future when old man Peabody goes into his barn and the family views the DMC as a spaceship - that was for me, it looked like nothing I'd ever seen before, long, low, aerodynamic and beautiful, those emotions never left me, whenever I see one it takes me right back to that hot South of France summer of 1989.
I always enjoy whiling some spare time looking at old classics for sale, & have a love for the 80's French turbo cars & era, I'd looked at a few GTA's but only online, both turbo & Atmo, but warmed more to the Atmo for more simplicity.
In fact I had my eye on the Salvage Hunters GTA after seeing the show, & occasionally checked on its sale progress noting that it had been up and listed for a while. As chance would have it the weekend they dropped the price I was heading down to Cambridge for work that following Tuesday so called to see if I could view it as it would 'relatively' be on my way - it was very nice albeit I detected the driveshaft issue, the gears in the side mirrors were not liking being operated, the cabin
blower directional slider was not engaging properly, a few small scuffs, & age related marks here and there, together with a bit of a sagging front bumper on one side, but in all honest, & nothing really too wrong with it at all.
Suffice to say 2 days later a further deal was done & James & I did a virtual handshake over the phone & a deposit sent.
I've already got a huge amount of my questions answered by searching the forum & have a few more of my own to post.
But for now all is good & I'm jolly happy with it, please excuse the mess in my garage.
Many thanks Pete
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