(This is real by the way!)
End of Life Vehicles
Nothing is forever! One day a Renault reaches the end of its service life. Although it is not suitable for daily use any more, it is not worthless and still has a value: every old vehicle contains expensive raw materials that can be recycled into the product cycle again.
In line with the requirements of the EC End of Life Vehicle Directive, Renault owners are offered the possibility to dispose of their vehicle at the end of its useful life, free of charge.
The End of Life Vehicle Directive applies to all passenger cars and light commercial vehicles with up to nine seats and up to a total permissible weight of 3.5 tonnes.
Free take back is currently available for all vehicles regardless of age as from the 1st January 2007.
As defined in the law, free take back will be offered provided:
■The vehicle is delivered to a Renault appointed take back facility
■The vehicle contains all its essential components, in particular the engine, transmission, coachwork, wheels or catalytic converter (if originally fitted)
■That no waste has been added to the vehicle (for example: household and garden waste, extra tyres etc...)
Renault has selected Cartakeback.com Ltd to provide free take back to last owners of vehicles of the Renault, Alpine and Dacia brands.
The Cartakeback Network covers all regions of the UK. All take back and treatment facilities operate in conformity with the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) requirements.
Vehicles will be treated to meet the recycling and recovery target of 85 percent by weight from 2006 as set by the End of Life Vehicle Directive.
For more information
For more information on de-pollution and recycling of an ELV or for a guide to your nearest take back facility please click here.
Any queries relating to authorised treatment facilities or to which vehicles qualify for free take back please email ELV@renault.co.uk or contact Renault Customer Services on 0800 072 3372